Get your credit score and credit report for FREE

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Unlock Your Credit Potential with Personalized Insights!


FREE Credit Score

Check your credit scores for free.

Payments History

Track your loan and credit card repayment history under one tab.

Improve Credit Score

Get personalized insights on how to improve your credit score.

Safe And Secure

Your data is safe and never shared with third parties.


Get Free Credit Reports

Stay informed about your credit history by refreshing your free credit report every month. It’s your key to understanding your financial health.

Reach New Milestones With The Score Planner

Building a credit score is now easier with the Score Planner. Whether you need to build your credit score from scratch or take it up a notch, the score planner will tell you just the steps you need to take your credit score to the next level.


Factors That Impact Your Credit Score

Your credit score plays a crucial role in your financial life. Lenders assess it to determine your creditworthiness, which affects your eligibility for premium credit cards, loans, and interest rates. But what factors impact your credit score?

Payments History

Late payments can damage your credit score. Always pay your loan and credit card dues on time.

Credit Utilization

Living life on the edge and maxing your credit card? A high credit utilisation can impact your score.

Credit Mix

A good credit mix includes credit cards and loan accounts, which contribute to a healthy credit score.

Age of Accounts

A lengthy credit history indicates financial responsibility and positively impacts your credit score.

Credit Inquiries

Never apply for multiple credit products at once. Too many credit inquiries in the short run can hurt your score.

Credit Report Errors

Regularly review your credit report for errors and dispute any inaccuracies to maintain a healthy credit score.

Why is it important to maintain a good credit score?

Improve your eligibility for loans

A good credit score improves your eligibility to get a loan faster. A good credit score means that you pay the bills or outstanding amount timely.

Quicker Loan Approvals

Applicants with a strong credit score and lengthy credit history receive pre-approved loans, with quick approval and zero processing time.

Lower Interest Rate

With a good credit score, you can enjoy the benefit of a lower rate of interest on the loan amount that you have applied for.

Higher Credit Limits

A good credit score makes you are eligible for getting a higher loan amount.

Card with Benefits

You are offered credit cards with attractive benefits and rewards if you have a healthy credit score.

Longer Tenure

A good credit score may help you avail longer repayment tenure on your loan than those with a lower score.

FREE Credit Score Forever!

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